
Version: 1.0.1

Updated: July 29, 2014

Authors: Ian Petley, Jerry Boyd and Nick Denny

Approved By:

It is possible to become more productive in making Production items if you have access to a workshop that specializes in making them. A character with a workshop can make additional Levels of items to a maximum of their Base Production Level. There are specialized workshops for making:

  1. alchemical elixirs, gases, and contact poisons
  2. weapons and armor
  3. potions
  4. scrolls
  5. traps

Access to these workshops is found through in game means, often by way of a local guild or noble connection.
Workshops are chapter specific.

Workshop Types

There are four types of Workshops:

  1. Personal
  2. Group
  3. Guild
  4. Town.

The differences between each type of workshop are purchase cost, upkeep cost, number of trustees allowed to use the workshop and the location the workshop must be constructed in.

Personal Workshops

Small workshops which allow the owner to create additional production items as described in the NERO LARP 9th Edition Rules. Personal Workshops can be constructed in a character’s home or place of business, as long as the building has a “Personal Workshop” (or larger) room built. The Personal Workshop room type occupies 5 room slots within the building. Personal Workshops are the only type of workshop that does not need to be placed within a building. The workshop is small enough to be used (by only the owner) anywhere (within the local chapter purchased), such as a camp site, inside a tent, on a ship, on a caravan wagon, etc.

Group Workshops

Small stationary workshops which allow the owner and up to 10 different trustees to create additional production items as described in the NERO LARP 9th Edition Rules. Group Workshops must be constructed in a character’s home or place of business, as long as the building has a “Small Workshop” (or larger) room built. The Small Workshop room type occupies 8 room slots within the building.

Guild Workshops

Larger stationary workshops which allow the owner and up to 25 different trustees to create additional production items as described in the NERO LARP 9th Edition Rules. Guild Workshops must be constructed in a character’s place of business only (not allowed in a home), as long as the building has a “Medium Workshop” (or larger) room built. The Medium Workshop room type occupies 18 room slots within the building.

Town Workshops

Very large stationary workshops which allow anyone to create additional production items as described in the NERO LARP 9th Edition Rules. Town Workshops must be constructed in a character’s place of business (not allowed in a home), as long as the building has a “Large Workshop” room built. The Large Workshop room type occupies 20 room slots within the building.


Trustees are characters, other than the owner, who are given access to use a workshop. Only the owner of a workshop can grant or revoke another member trustee access. Each workshop type has a set limit to the number of trustees allowed to use the workshop. Once that limit is reached, one trustee must be removed before another is added. This functionality to grant and revoke trustee access to other characters is handled through the web site, and administrated by the workshop owner and the local chapter logistics personnel.

Duration and Upkeep

Workshops have a two year lifespan. After two years, if worn tools and components are not repaired or replaced, the workshop is rendered inoperable and unusable. If the owner chooses, they can repair/replace worn tools and components by spending one fifth the initial purchase price the workshop. This upkeep fee ends up costing the owner much less than outright purchasing a new workshop.

Workshops and Plot

Workshops, being an off-board asset, are subject to the storylines run by Plot. The members of plot can devise storylines which grant a character a workshop as a reward. Conversely, Plot can devise a storyline which seeks to destroy Workshops.
Additionally, some events are held in far off remote locations. In some situations, a character must travel from point A to point B quickly. In such cases, characters will be too far from their Workshops to be able to utilize or protect them.
In all cases, workshops are only usable for events in which the workshop was purchased (i.e., Workshops are Local Chapter Only).

Table 1-1.

Workshop Type Cost to Buy Upkeep Trustees Location
Personal Workshop 50g 10g 0 Personal Workshop (5 slots) / usable anywhere
Group Workshop 100g 20g 10 Small Workshop Room (8 slots)
Guild Workshop 250g 50g 25 Medium Workshop Room (18 slots)
Town Workshop 500g 100g unlimited Large Workshop Room (20 slots)