Research Report: Case – Grakk

By: Bogg

​ I have been conducting more research on Grakk for my own benefit and safety. While he is my chieftain, I must ensure that I can survive without him. The Gouged Eye would not have grown so strong without such an outspoken and mighty “leader”, however he is as dumb as a rock when it comes to anything outside of battle.

​ Grakk’s reappearance was sudden, but saved me from quite a bit of questioning by the local skinny’s and law pushers. Following my return to the Gouged Eye, I quickly began research on the barrow mounds. They are an interesting phenomenon; So much hatred piled into one mound of dirt and bodies. The chieftain seemed to have learned innately how to create such barrows with his new found power. After a few weeks he was able to explain enough of the process that I was able to recreate it in a minor form with components.

​ Following this, Grakk decided to show me a secret. It seems he is a part of one of these barrows, and a rather particular one at that. He has allowed me to travel within the mass grave for my research, but in somehow intelligent move, has disallowed me from researching how he has returned.

​ From the barrow, I have learned that Grakk cannot truly die, for his spirit is tied to the barrow and vice versa. He may be dropped or even killed, however, he will soon revive from the spirits found within or the sheer necromantic energy found within. An Imprison spell may be able to hold the revivification at bay, however the energies of the barrow can cast spells that affect the entire area and may remove such a barrier if its focal point is in danger.

​ From the realization that many, if not all, of the guardians of the graveyards are missing or destroyed, my hypothesis regarding Grakk’s transformation is coming together. I believe that given the proper circumstances I could mimic the effect on myself, thus gaining eternal life. While it would be as an undead, I would have countless minions at my control and endless time to study.

​ I have given part of the map to Grakk’s barrow mound to Nanscrat. He is an intelligent and resourceful little rodent. I believe that with his help, we can continue pushing the wild borders outwards and destroy the rabble of nobility, even if Grakk would meet his end at the hands of adventurers.

​ As one final note, due to his undead nature and ties to spirit, I believe that Grakk’s condition may be minorly inconvenienced by creatures of Life and Death. He does not follow the natural flow of these two elements, thus I believe they have the ability to help force him towards his “proper” direction in a limited capacity.

Research Report: Case – Black Lord

By: Bogg

​ Current events mandate that I research the Black Lord. It seems that he is proving to be pertinent to the local items going on. Using an enslaved human to conduct trade for us, we have bartered a deal with a group of mages known as the Magisters of the Nine for information regarding this individual. It seems their high need for formal components is worth almost any information they have acquired.

​ It seems from an old journal document that they have found, that the Black Lord has created a number of odd creatures through rather ingenious testing procedures. It seems that he has found ways to meld creatures of two types to exploit all of their positive abilities while negating many of their negatives. I find it interesting that we are seeing less and less racial diversity due to the winds of change at the same time that this person seems to just reappear and the guardians of the graveyards are annihilated. Perhaps this mans testing is part of the reason for the winds of change?

​ Never the less, his work is rather ingenious. It seems he believes that the void posses a great threat to Tyrra at this current time and place. While his notes do not show that he believes it to be the end for Tyrra, it may well be the end for the idea of normalcy in Greyhorn. The Black Lord ruled Greyhorn at one point in time, yet disappeared from history after loosing the Chromatic Crystal. That artifact is prized by many, especially the damn skinnies and the law.

​ The Magisters told my human that the Black Lord’s minions are hard to kill. Apparently they have spirits that don’t diminish like others do. I need to research this more for myself.

Research Report: Case – Valerious Family

By: Bogg

​ It seems that the Valerious Family has more members in the area than originally believed. This family has some tie to the Lord of the Horde. Many of the adventurers knew only of one of the family, only known as the necromancer. It is strange how if someone casts necromancy and looks like a person, they can be summed up by that single term. If only the adventurers knew and understood the gravity of this family and their deeds.

​ The Valerious Family has been living in underground catacombs and crypts since the time of the Lord of the Horde. I am unsure if they were regular people who joined the Lord of the Horde’s cause or abominations found from the creatures plane itself.

​ It would benefit me to learn more of them, especially to prevent the Lord of the Hordes return.