Accords of Avalon

Accords of Avalon Cover

Precepts of a Civilized and Cultured Society

It is upon the following precepts of etiquette and culture that the Accords of Avalon have been written and proposed. It is by these precepts and etiquettes that all citizens of Avalon shall abide, to demonstrate universal civility and courtesy. These Accords will be the foundation of the society, culture, laws and proscription of how to ensure faire commerce and war, for all nations who agree to membership of the Concordance of Avalon.

The goal of the Concordance and of these Accords, is the fair and equitable treatment of all civilized races in and a crossed the continent of Avalon. These Accords and the Concordance the ruling body composed of representatives of the Monarchs of all member nations shall endeavor to ensure that the principles and spirit of these Accords are maintained, and that the wording and law of them be enforced diligently and with a hand of justice.

Foundations of Culture

Sovereign Monarchy. The principal, upon which our societies are founded, is that hierarchical order will allow honor, goodness and justice to prevail. Responsibility for decisions on behalf of the people at large must ultimately rest somewhere, and where it rests is upon the sovereign monarch of that land. It is ultimately to the will of the monarch that all legal matters shall be deferred.

These Accords seek not to take away from this sovereign power, but through the mutual consent of the participating rulers, create a legal and social framework in which all nations may interact in order to promote peace, prosperity, commerce and order across Avalon.

The Kingdoms of the Concordance are feudal societies, governed by the oath-sworn nobles who each answer to a liege-lord above him or her. This means that there is a strongly observed hierarchy. Ours is not a system of equality of all people. It is a system of duty to one’s superior in return for protection and support. Often though, High-ranking Nobles throughout the lands listen to the commoners, the adventurers, and their nobles about their concerns.

The Sovereign Monarch owns all the lands and properties within their kingdom. The sovereign chooses people to administer the majority of these holdings in his or her name. These people are vassals of the Monarch. Each of these people administers the lands as if they were their own. In return they swear that they will support the Monarch, adhere to the laws of the nation, ensure their nobles compliment the Code of Chivalry, provide troops in time of war, collect taxes, and meet any other duties the Monarch, and Crown, expects of them.

Nobility. It is the principal of our culture that the strong should act as the protector and guardian of the weak. That each person has a role that they might fulfill in society, and all roles are equally important. Without the farmers, artisans, smithies, miners, tailors and countless other laborers and craftsmen the raw materials and products necessary for the very existence of society could not be had. Without the nobles, knights, diplomats and countless other noble positions, the laws, justice, safety, order and well being that are the benefits of a society could not be had.

With the power of rank, comes so its responsibilities. Commoners are citizens and have rights under the power of their Sovereign as well. The nobility is empowered with duty because they love the Land and all her people. Each noble owes certain responsibilities to the commoners upon their lands. In return for part of the profits of the commoners' labors, the noble who governs the land is expected to protect them from crime, protect them from invasion, and help them when they are in need. The noble is expected to provide leadership, an example of proper behavior, and to improve the lot of his or her commoners over time.

The commoners' responsibility is to be willing to pay fair taxes, join the militia in time of need, help their nobility administer justice by reporting crimes and providing testimony, defend their nobilities names and address and treat nobles with the respect and the title that they are due. Such respect to the nobility is expected of all people who traverse through the nations of the Concordance of Avalon, be they citizens of this nation or visitors.

Social Customs

In all civilized lands, there are four basic conventions of good conduct that the people observe. These conventions may even be regarded as law in some nations. One or more of these concepts and social conventions may be held to be of a higher importance in different lands. These are not concepts that are enforced by the Concordance of Avalon. They are however concepts common to all civilized nations, and of import in establishing a fraternity of culture across Avalon.

Hospitality. If you invite a person into your home or holdings and they accept your hospitality, they will be treated as a guest, and the members of the household will do their best to protect the guests from any harm. Conversely, the guest has a responsibility not to abuse the goodwill of the host. It is expected that the nobility, in particular, be bound by this ancient tradition. It is of the utmost importance that the principal of hospitality be observed by and for visitors from other nations.

Oathkeeping. In the older nations, and in many of the new, it is generally accepted that a person’s word is good. Because of this, if a person swears loyalty to another and that oath is accepted, even if they have been enemies, the oath will still be accepted. The person swearing the oath of loyalty will be expected to support and protect their liege, and likewise, the liege is expected to offer the same favor to the vassal. Some cultures will require more than just the giving of a words, however Oaths and Oathkeeping are strong bonds to the civilized races. One is expected to abide loyally and honorably to their sworn word and oaths. Many nations may have local laws that pertain to this.

Kinship. The loyalty one feels to their kin should be second only to the loyalty one feels to their kingdom and sovereign ruler. The binding of kinship is a very strong tie. In some lands, the committing of a criminal act is more strictly punished if the victim is your kin. Being called a kinslayer is a strong accusation indeed among most civilized people.

Personal Honor. Even among civilized people, many have a very strong sense of personal honor, at least in the sense of defending it against statements and acts of others. In some nations, slights to honor are settled through the ancient practice of Dueling, while other nations prefer to settle disputes through public debate. The regard for life and safety on Avalon is much stronger than it ever has been, with many reluctant to shed blood for the sake of honor alone. The rules of honor and honor combat are not in the jurisdiction of these Accords and may be defined and declared by the local culture and monarch of any Member Nation, so long as the laws, precepts and spirit of these Accords are not violated.

Culture of the Concordance

Titles, Nobility and Etiquette. As noble titles and etiquette have evolved quite differently in the many nations of the Concordance of Avalon, these Accords proscribe a manner of address and etiquette that shall be considered ‘common and polite courtesy’ when dealing with nobles of other nations. Each individual nation may maintain their own manner of address and etiquette within their own courts. However the etiquette of the Concordance shall be considered due and proper respect to all nobles in all member nations of the Concordance. Repeated failure to abide by one noble or one nations nobles will be noted as a measure of disrespect but is not in and of itself grounds for any form of political sanction, war or other hostile action or inaction.

When first addressing any noble, one should bow to that noble in a show of respect and courtesy. This may be a polite bow at the waist or curtsy for ladies if so desired. This need not be falling to one knee or prostration. While in some frontier areas, or in battle, maintaining weapons at ready may be acceptable. However in a civilized and inhabited area, weapons should remain sheathed, the brandishing of weapons while greeting anyone commoner or noble is impolite. Weapons include all manner of weaponry, poisons, or any other item that might be used to induce personal harm.

When addressing a Monarch, their court or their immediate Heir, one should bow to one knee and lower their head in respect and deference. The brandishing of weapons in the presence of a monarch without their expressed permission is quite an unacceptable practice, and may be viewed as an overt sign of disrespect if not an assassination attempt.

Upon the field of battle and war, a polite bow of the head is acceptable as a sign of respect to any noble, including a Monarch. In time of battle one should address all Nobles, Military leaders and even Monarchs by the same address “Sir” or “Dame”, so as not to allow ready identification of rank and file.

When addressing one of higher rank than yourself, you should begin by using their proper form of address and if they are of Duke/Duchess or higher rank, it is quite impolite to speak before being asked to. Individual nobles may ask that those they speak with address them in a more casual capacity.

Proper Titles. The following are a list of titles that will be acknowledged and used by the nations of the Concordance of Avalon when interacting between nations. Individual nations may have their own form of address for equivalent classes of people, however the following will be considered polite and proper in all nations of the Concordance.

Commoners: The name of a man without any title at all is preceded by “Goodman”. A lady would be addressed as Goodwife, Goodlady, Mistress or Ladymiss. In the case of men and women, it is appropriate to use the person’s first name rather than their family name I the surname is not known, or if you are more familiar with the person being addressed.

Commoners with Military Rank: The military rank of a commoner is always used in place of another common title. Military ranks are usually specific in their form of address, and creativity should not be applied to the address. The military rank generally precedes a person’s surname in formal address, but on the battlefield, the rank precedes the person’s most commonly used name.

Commoners of Courtly Station: Nearly every noble court of the realm has commoners who hold respected Positions such as Sheriff, Magistrate, Guildmaster, Chamberlain, etc. Although noblemen may often hold these positions, in the case of commoners the honorary title of “Lord” for men and “Lady” for women is often conferred. These titles, while noble in origin, do not confer the status of nobility, only great respect. In formal address, the surname of the person is attached to the title. In common conversational address, however, the person’s name is not used at all, only the title.

Squires and Squire Candidates: Squires are commoners who hold courtly station. Men and woman are addressed formally as, “Good Squire” and then their first name. More conversationally, the word “good” is not applied.

Titles of Nobility: The following are the titles of nobility. Persons of lower station should always bow to one of higher status. Noblemen do not commonly observe such rites with persons of lower station, though it may be done.

Lords and Ladies: The title of Lord or Lady is often granted by some Nations as a sign of respect or honor. While these titles and what right they afford does not change within the lands of the assignment, they have no meaning to the Concordance of Avalon.

Knights: The conference of knighthood is always an indication that the person earned the title personally, and it is not an honorary title. Knights are commonly addressed by title and first name, but sometimes the preferred name is used. Men are addressed as “Sir” and ladies are addressed as “Dame.” In formal situations, the full title of knighthood, such as Knight Protector, Knight Champion, etc. is used.

Barons and Baronesses: Barons and Baronesses may choose to be addressed by either their first or last name. Use of the last name is more formal, however, and should always be used when in doubt. Barons and Baronesses who gained their title through marriage should be addressed by their family name, indicating that is the source of the title. The titles of “His Excellency” and “Her Excellency” are used for Barons, Viscounts, and Counts. In formal situations, the titles of Excellency and Baron are both used. Conversationally, these gentle persons should always be addressed as, “Your Excellency,” or “My Lord Baron,” or “My Lady Baroness.” For the members of their personal households, “My Lord” and “My Lady” may be used, but only in private conversation.

Nobles of higher station and other Barons and Viscounts will not use the term, “Your Excellency” when addressing one of lower or equal station, but will address the person as, “My Lord Baron,” or “My Lady Baroness.”

Viscount and Viscountess: These titles are most often honorary titles. These titles are not acknowledged within the Concordance of Avalon. However additional title may be acknowledged. If a Viscount is also a Knight, they will be addressed as their knightly status would indicate. It is not uncommon that a consort to another noble, or Regent to another noble might also be given the title of Viscount. In which case if they were being addressed as the representative of another noble, or the Regent to another noble they would be afforded all the respect and title due to their liege.

Count and Countess: Counts and Countesses may choose to be addressed by either their first or last name. Use of the last name is more formal, however, and should always be used when in doubt. Counts and Countesses who gained their title through marriage should be addressed by their family name, indicating that is the source of the title. The titles of “His Excellency” and “Her Excellency” are used for Barons, Viscounts, and Counts. In formal situations, the titles of Excellency and Count are both used. Conversationally, these gentlepersons should always be addressed as, “Your Excellency,” or “My Lord Count,” or “My Lady Countess.” For the members of their personal households, “My Lord” and “My Lady” may be used, but only in private conversation.

Nobles of higher station and other Counts will not use the term, “Your Excellency” when addressing one of lower or equal station, but will address the person as, “My Lord Count,” or “My Lady Countess.”

Duke and Duchess: Dukes and Duchesses may choose to be addressed by either their first or last name. Use of the last name is more formal, however, and should always be used when in doubt. Dukes and Duchesses who gained their title through marriage should be addressed by their family name, indicating that is the source of the title. The titles of “His Grace” and “Her Grace” are used for Dukes. In formal situations, the titles of Grace and Duke are both used. Conversationally, these gentlepersons should always be addressed as, “Your Grace,” or “My liege.” The terms, “My Lord Duke” and “My Lady Duchess” are not appropriate in any situation and are simply not used. For the members of their personal households, “My Lord” and “My Lady” may be used, but only in private conversation, and even then, “My liege” is truly more appropriate.

Nobles of higher station and other Dukes will commonly use the term, “Your Grace” when addressing one of lower or equal station.

Princes and Princesses: Princes and Princesses are almost always addressed by their last name. Princes and Princesses who gained their title through marriage are sometimes addressed less formally through use of their first name. The titles of “His Highness” and “Her Highness” are used for Princes and Princesses. All situations involving Princes and Princesses are formal, and the titles of Highness and Prince are both used at all times. In audience, Princes and Princesses are always addressed as, “Your Highness.” The terms, “My Lord Prince” and “My

Lady Princess” are not appropriate in any situation and are simply not used. For the members of their personal households, “My Lord, “My Lady,” and “My liege” may be used, but only in private conversation, and even then, “Your Highness” is truly more appropriate.

His Majesty the King may use whatever form of address he chooses with any noble of the kingdom. The other Princes of the realm will commonly use the term, “Your Highness” when addressing one of equal station.

Sovereign Monarch: The Sovereign Monarch of each nation of the Concordance of Avalon shall be addressed by whatever title they deem appropriate. When one does not know the form of address by which one should address a Sovereign Monarch, “Your Majesty” “Your Royal Majesty” and “King” should all be acceptable address until such time as one may discover the address that the Monarch desires.

The Accords of Avalon Section I

Dispensation of Equitable Justice for Commoners

A) Preamble: All member Nations of the Concordance of Avalon, do hereby agree to abide by these Accords of Avalon, and in doing so do agree that we shall enforce the following laws upon all common citizens and travelers to any of the lands of Avalon and that a process of extradition and punishment shall be enforced regardless of the kingdom or realm that these crimes are perpetrated, such that justice shall be dispensed unilaterally and equitably. The guidelines for punishment shall be abided by, in that the punishment shall never be less than that which is proscribed. By signing these Accords a nation or kingdom does not waive their right to additional laws, or more rigid punishment. However, the punishment shall be exacted in accordance with local laws in the lands the criminal is apprehended, with the punishment being no less than the least punishment for the crime as agreed herein. Nor is a kingdom required to enforce any laws other than these upon their citizens at the bequest of another undersigned kingdom.

A Tribunal of Justice shall be established by these Accords that shall oversee all trials, disputes and disagreements regarding the trial and dispensation of justice of commoner from any member Nation, when being tried for crimes committed in, or upon the citizens, nobles or land of any other member Nation. This Tribunal does not hold, nor should it hold jurisdiction over a Nation’s right to dispense justice to their own commoners for crimes committed within their own lands, upon their own holdings, nobles or citizens.

  1. Kidnapping: Taking or constraining any citizen with unlawful force. Punishment for this will be no lesser than fining.
  2. Murder: Taking of another citizen’s life, even if they do not resurrect. Punishment will be no less than execution.
  3. Necromancy: The use of any effect that creates, controls or aids undead and their kind. The punishment for this will be no less than execution.
  4. Pretending to a Noble Title: The attempt of any individual commoner to represent themselves with title they do not possess be they from any kingdom real or fictitious. This shall also include any attempt to forge writ or document as if one were any noble title, or to falsely bear word or witness of one of noble title of any land. The punishment for this will be no less than a severe fine.
  5. Slavery: The forced servitude of any sentient and living being, be it through use of force, threat of force or influence of alchemical, magical or mental or any other means known and unknown. The punishment for this will be no less than execution.
  6. Treason: Attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the land by means of force, trickery or any other means both currently known and unknown. The punishment for this will be no less than execution and loss of legal protection.
  7. Flight from Prosecution: The attempt to evade prosecution by the rightful force of law in any land for any crimes against the concordance of Avalon. The punishment for this will be no less than the most grievous punishment allowed for the crime being fled, plus additional execution and loss of legal protection.
  8. Theft: The conscious removal of another’s property without the consent of the owner. The punishment for this will be no less than recompense for the stolen good.
  9. Mockery of a Noble Title: The mockery of the rank, office or ability to perform the duties of such rank or office, of any noble of any kingdom in the concordance of Avalon. The mockery of an individual for actions not performed as a noble, or outside of their role as a noble is not within the realm of this law. The punishment for this will be no lesser than fining.

B) Definitions of Punishment: The following definitions shall be applied to those punishments listed above in regards to punishment for crimes within a kingdom.

  1. Fining: The payment of coin or commodities, this shall be the equivalent of one Avalon Noble as defined in Section IV of these Accords.
  2. Severe Fining: The payment of coin or commodities, this shall be the equivalent of twenty Avalon Noble as defined in Section IV of these Accords.
  3. Execution: That one is executed such that their body dissipates and their spirit travels to an earth circle or other point of resurrection regardless of if the spirit resurrects successfully
  4. Loss of Legal Protection: The individual is no longer afforded the rights of citizenship, and are not protected by the laws against Kidnapping, Murder, Theft or other laws within any of the Nations of the Concordance for a time of no less than 1 year. An individual no longer protected by the laws may not be appointed title for the duration of the punishment.
  5. Recompense: The offending party shall compensate in full the victim of their illicit activity in full for all losses and damages that are a result of the criminal activity of the offending party, including what the local officer of justice feels is fair compensation for time and duress caused by the offense.

C) Investigation of Criminal Activities: All Nations agree to investigate accusations of criminal activity within their territories. A trial may be had in accordance with local law or custom. All accused criminals shall be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations be it in Trial or Investigation. Those individuals accused shall be permitted representation at such a trial. All crimes and punishments will be recorded in a Journal, and forwarded to a representative appointed by the Tribunal of Justice each month for reporting to the Avalon Gazette and the other Nations.

The Accords of Avalon Section II

Dispensation of Equitable Justice for Nobles

A) Preamble: All Nobles, or entitled citizens of all member Nations of the Concordance of Avalon shall be beheld to the following codes and laws within all lands they travel. It is by the actions of our entitled that our nations are judged, and so in order to establish a fair and just way to judge, these Accords proscribe these codes.

A Tribunal of Justice shall be established by these Accords that shall oversee all trials, disputes and disagreements regarding the trial and dispensation of justice of nobles from any member Nation, when being tried for crimes committed in, or upon the citizens, nobles or land of any other member Nation. This Tribunal does not hold, nor should not hold jurisdiction over a Nation’s right to dispense justice to their own nobles for crimes committed within their own lands, upon their own holdings, nobles or citizens. This Tribunal shall be the same Tribunal as holds over the Dispensation of Justice for Commoners.

B) Code of Chivalry: All Nobles of all member nations or kingdoms of the Concordance of Avalon, shall abide by the following code of conduct and be subjected to the following laws. The intent or spirit of the code shall be considered to be more important than the actual wording of this code. While additional concepts or tenants may be added, and the wording might be changed to fit the purposes of local culture, the intent of this simple code shall remain the same.

  1. Thou Shalt Respect The Weak, And Thou Shalt Constitute Thyself The Defender Of Them.
  2. Thou Shalt Scrupulously Perform Thy Noble Duties Be They Not Contrary To The Laws Of The Land Upon Which Thou Stands.
  3. Thou Shalt Love The Country In Which Thou Hast Sworn Fealty and Follow the Dictates of Thy Liege and Thy Monarch.
  4. Thou Shalt Follow the Dictates of the Rightful Rule of the Land Upon Which Thou Stands.
  5. Thou Shalt Put Thy Personal Welfare Last Behind the Welfare of the Sovereign Government and of its People.
  6. Thou Shalt Remain Faithful to Thy Given Word.
  7. Thou Shalt be Generous and Give Freely to all.
  8. Thou Shalt Not Recoil Before Thine Enemy.
  9. Thou Shalt be a Champion of the Good and the Right Against Evil and Injustice, in All Places and For All Times.
  10. Thou Shalt Make War Against Evil, and Endeavor to Thwart and Oppose the Wicked at Every Turn With the Conviction of All Your Spirit.**

C) Laws of the Noble: While title shall only grant rights above those of a commoner in the lands that the title was granted, all who bear title shall be held accountable to a more rigid code of conduct of a level fitting for their title regardless of in what land they travel. As such all nobles of all nations signed to the Accords of Avalon shall be subjected to the following laws regardless of what land they are in. Local kingdoms and nations may have further articles of law to which nobles are subjected, and may have punishment more strict than the proscribed punishment, but these will be the bare minimum laws and punishments to which all kingdoms and nations of the Accords of Avalon shall proscribe. In cases of severe criminal abuse, these crimes shall be combined and their punishments executed in order from most severe to least. If any punishments are evaded, an additional charge of Flight from Prosecution shall be added and enforced in the land they are captured in.

  1. Kidnapping: Taking or constraining any citizen with unlawful force. Punishment for this will be no lesser than execution and loss of title.
  2. Murder: Taking of another citizen’s life, even if they do not resurrect. Punishment will be no less than obliteration and loss of title.
  3. Necromancy: The use of any effect that creates, controls or aids undead and their kind. The punishment for this will be no less than obliteration and loss of title.
  4. Pretending to a Noble Title: The attempt of any individual noble to represent themselves with title they do not possess be they from any kingdom real or fictitious. This shall also include any attempt to forge writ or document as if one were any noble title, or to falsely bear word or witness of one of noble title of any land. The punishment for this will be no less than execution and loss of title.
  5. Slavery: The forced servitude of any sentient and living being, be it through use of force, threat of force or influence of alchemical, magical or mental or any other means known and unknown. The punishment for this will be no less than obliteration and loss of title.
  6. Treason: Attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the land by means of force, trickery or any other means both currently known and unknown. The punishment for this will be no less than obliteration, loss of legal protection, and loss of title.
  7. Flight from Prosecution: The attempt to evade prosecution by the rightful force of law in any land for any crimes against the concordance of Avalon. The punishment for this will be no less than the most grievous punishment allowed for the crime being fled, plus additional execution and loss of legal protection.
  8. Theft: The conscious removal of another’s property without the consent of the owner. The punishment for this will be no less than recompense of stolen property, execution and loss of title.
  9. Mockery of a Noble Title: The mockery of the rank, office or ability to perform the duties of such rank or office, of any noble of any kingdom in the concordance of Avalon. The mockery of an individual for actions not performed as a noble, or outside of their role as a noble is not within the realm of this law. The punishment for this will be no lesser than fining and loss of title.
  10. Mockery of the Code of Chivalry: Any attempt to twist, misinterpret, abuse, coerce or otherwise disregard the Code of Chivalry or the Laws of the lands in an attempt for personal gain, evasion of justice, wrongful prosecution, personal glory or any other unrighteous pursuit. The punishment for this shall be execution, removal of noble title and loss of legal protection.

D) Definitions of Punishment: The following definitions shall be applied to those punishments listed above in regards to punishment for crimes within a kingdom.

  1. Fining: The payment of coin or commodities, this shall be equivalent to one Avalon Noble as defined in Section IV of these Accords.
  2. Severe Fining: The payment of coin or commodities, this shall be equivalent to twenty Avalon Noble as defined in Section IV of these Accords.
  3. Execution: That one is executed such that their body dissipates and their spirit travels to an earth circle or other point of resurrection regardless of if the spirit resurrects successfully
  4. Loss of Legal Protection: The individual is no longer afforded the rights of citizenship, and are not protected by the laws against Kidnapping, Murder, Theft or other laws within any of the Nations of the Concordance for a time of no less than 1 year. An individual no longer protected by the laws may not be appointed title for the duration of the punishment.
  5. Recompense: The offending party shall compensate in full the victim of their illicit activity in full for all losses and damages that are a result of the criminal activity of the offending party, including what the local officer of justice feels is fair compensation for time and duress caused by the offense.
  6. Obliteration: The offending party shall suffer 3 consecutive Executions or be the subject of one successful Obliteration Formal Magic that results in their body dissipating and their spirit being weakened 3 times.
  7. Loss of Noble Title: The offending party shall be stripped of noble title and any rights of benefits they might have due to noble title in any and all lands that they bear title within the Accords of Avalon. Hereafter they shall be considered a commoner, unless banishment is added on as a punishment in which case they will no longer be protected by any laws of any lands.

D) Investigation of Criminal Activities: All Nations agree to investigate accusations of criminal activity within their territories. A trial may be had in accordance with local law or custom. All accused noble criminals shall be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations be it in Trial or Investigation. Those individuals accused shall be permitted representation at such a trial. If available another representative of the accused Liege shall bear witness to the trial. A representative of the suspect’s kingdom must witness the trial of a noble in a foreign land. All crimes and punishments will be recorded in a Journal, and forwarded to a representative appointed by the Tribunal of Justice and the liege of the convicted noble each month for reporting to the Avalon Gazette and the other Nations.

The Accords of Avalon Section III

Treaties and Accords for War and Times of War

All member Nations shall in times of peace and times of war, agree to abide by these Accords. The precepts and laws of these Accords shall be followed by all parties, regardless of current martial status. Fair and equitable Justice shall be had between kingdoms. While the terms of war between Member Nations are described herein diplomatic and economic resolution to grievance is always preferred by all Nations signed to these Accords.

In times of war between two Nations both signed to these Accords, or where there is economic or military involvement on contrary sides, of any two Nations signed to these accords, the following shall stand as Military Law:

The taking of the life of a citizen of another Nation shall be avoided at all costs, and whenever possible, shall be taken alive as Prisoners of War.

All Prisoners of War shall be held in fair and humane detention until such time as the War has ended, at which time all said prisoners shall be released to their home Nation.

If any Prisoner of War stands accused of a crime against the Accords of Avalon, their trial and punishment shall be withheld until the end of military action, and they shall be tried normally, as proscribed by these Accords.

All of the Laws, Precepts and Treaties set forth by these Accords shall stand inviolate, regardless of any state of War or Martial Action. In no way shall a Nations Marshall Law override the power of these Accords.

A Tribunal of War shall be established that will oversee and arbitrate all military actions by or between member Nations and their allies.

All Military Action by one Nation signed under these Accords upon another Nation signed under these Accords shall be enacted in the following stages:

1. A Declaration of War shall be made, this shall include the grievance that has instigated the war, and what reparations the declaring party seeks. Likewise this shall include a writ of alliance from all nations, be they signed to these Accords or not, that intend to ally on the part of the Declaring Nation in this war.

2. The Nation upon whom War is being declared shall write an Acceptance of Declaration, which will include an acknowledgement or denial of said grievances. It shall also contain a writ of alliances from all nations, be they signed to these Accords or not, that intend to ally on the part of the Declaring Nation in this war. Such Acceptance must be submitted within 30 days or else the Nation shall invite the severe reprimand of the member Nations of the Accords.

3. Negotiation shall be had between the two Nations with arbitrators assigned by the Tribunal of War. During this, the two parties shall seek to accommodate all grievances without military action.

4. If it is decided that no mutually equitable resolution is possible, the war shall be planned with aid from the arbitrators.

5. War shall be had, and no military action shall be taken by or upon any Nation that is not included in the Declaration of War or the Acceptance of Declaration. Nor shall any battles, military action, or movement be had upon the land of any other Nations, nor shall the citizens, commerce or any other member of function of any other Nation be hindered or inconvienced by said War.

6. If any of these steps, or any of the other Laws or Precepts of the Accords of Avalon are violated by any party involved in the war, or by any party that not involved in the war on behalf of one of the signed Nations, then that Nation shall be reprimanded severely as seen fit by a council of representatives of the member Nations.

7. If military action is needed to be had upon any Member Nation of the Accords of Avalon for severe infraction or violation of these Accords, a joint military force of all the other members shall be formed and shall carry out this action.

8. In such cases where a Member Nation of the Concordance has declared war upon another Member Nation, the process of declaration and arbitration has been undertaken and the military action carried out, that nation which has lost the war has lost the grievance and must make reparations as defined during arbitration to the victorious nation.

In times where nations, entities and people not signed to these Accords should enact war or military action upon a Member Nation, that nation may request military assistance from any other nation. A denial of said assistance is only permissible if the requested nation itself is involved in military actions and removal of its troops from said actions would put that nation at a great disadvantage. The Council of the Accords shall form a Tribunal of War to monitor such requests and ensure compliance with the intent of the Treaties and Accords for Times of War as defined above.

The Accords of Avalon Section IV

Treaties and Accords for Trade and Commerce

All undersigned Nations of the Accords of Avalon, shall at all times in relations of trade and commerce with allied Nations abide by the following code:

A single currency shall be used as a measure of trade and value between the undersigned Nations, this shall be called the Avalon Common. This shall be one unit of Silver, and is equivalent to 1 Evendarrian Silver. Other units shall be known the Avalon Noble which shall be one unit of Gold and shall be equivalent to 10 Commons. Finally there shall be the Unit known as the Avalon Crown, and this shall be one unit of Platinum, and shall be equivalent to 10 Nobles. These units and names shall be equivalent to the same coin regardless of the land of its mint, and they shall be held good in all nations signed to the Accords of Avalon.

Knowledge of the Arts both Arcane and mundane and the recording of this knowledge shall be considered to be commodities. As such fair and equitable trade of these commodities are also governed by these Accords and shall be overseen by the Tribunal of Trade and Commerce.

There shall be established by the consensus of all member Nations of these Accords, a Tribunal of Trade and Commerce that shall oversee and rule upon all grievances and disputes of Trade and Commerce between member Nations.

Fair and equitable trade shall be had between all nations of the signed to these Accords, and no nation shall sanction another member Nation except as terms of a Declaration of War. No member nation shall show preference in trade to another member nation except as terms of a Declaration of War.

All nations shall endeavor to build and maintain infrastructure to allow trade with all other member Nations.

All nations shall endeavor to build and maintain infrastructure to facilitate trade between other member nations, if ingress and egress through said nations borders are required for said trade.

All nations making use of another nations trade routes, shall reasonable tax or toll for maintenance of said routes.

Any grievance of unfair trade, commerce, taxation or other violation of the Treaties and Accords for Trade and Commerce shall be brought before a tribunal established by the member Nations.

The Accords of Avalon Section V

Governance of the Accords

The Council of the Accords

These Accords shall establish a council called the Council of the Concordance of Avalon (Hereafter referred to as the Council or Council of the Concordance) that will oversee all matters of the covered by these Accords, including appointing all Tribunals, and the representatives and officers thereof. The Council of the Concordance will be composed of one representative of each Nation of the Concordance of Avalon. This representative shall be the Monarch or other highest ruling official of each land. In cases of lands that have unusual governing bodies, it is to this body to determine who their supreme representative is.

As it is frequently impossible for one of such responsibility to attend all details, a duly appointed and sworn representative may stand as proxy. This must be one of the equivalent of Royal Knight, and their voice shall be understood to represent their liege upon the Council of the Concordance, and thus their Nation. Barring foul play, there shall be no leniency given to a member Nation that is unwilling to abide by those concessions made by their appointed representative.

This council shall be asked to convene no less than once each month in the city designated capitol by said council. During this convening they shall review all current matters before them, and publish the findings to the nobles of all member Nations. All Nations must attend each council meeting.

The responsibilities of this Council are as follows:

Establish and build the three Tribunals, and appoint individuals to these Tribunals that shall duly represent all member Nations of these Accords. These are the Tribunal of Justice, Tribunal of War and Tribunal of Commerce and Trade. These tribunals shall be a body of one noble and one commoner of each Member Nation upon each tribunal.

Maintain the last right of Veto on any and all laws, treaties, and amendments to these Accords that are proscribed by the Tribunals. The Council of the Concordance shall have the last voice when it comes to matters of the law, war, commerce, trade between the member Nations of these Accords.

Except when delineated otherwise, decisions of the council must satisfy a two-thirds majority.

Maintain and uphold the Accords, their principles, spirit and interpretation, in the best interests of all member Nations.

The addition of further governing bodies and or representatives, as they are needed to promote the operations of the Council and these Accords.

The removal of a Nation from the Council of the Concordance. This requires that two nations move for the removal of said Nation from the Council and their being bound by the Accords. This must include written deposition of reason that shall be investigated by the Council and their Tribunals. After an investigation and presentation of findings is presented, the removal must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the Council.

The responsibilities of the three Tribunals created by these Accords, and all other Tribunals and governing bodies to come:

Ensure that a fair and equitable hand is used within the realm of governance, to all member Nations.

Ensure that the spirit, word and principles of these Accords are maintained within their realm of governance in all things.

Maintain intelligence on their realm of governance a crossed all member Nations, and keep an ever vigilant eye upon their duties.

Propose those additions of law, policy, and treaty or dictate that shall support those goals of the Tribunal within their realm of governance.

Carry out the dictates of the Council of the Concordance.

The Accords of Avalon, Section VI

Ratification, Acceptance, and Amendment

Ratification of the Accords:

Any and all Nations of Avalon are invited to join the Accords. Any Nation that chooses to do so must sign the Accords prior to January 1, 606 in the Evendarr Reckoning. At the moment of signature a Nation is entitled to full Member status and benefits along with all responsibilities thereto.

Acceptance of New Members:

As of January 1, 606 in the Evendarr Reckoning, Nations who wish to join the Concordance of Avalon must petition the Council of the Concordance for admittance. Such a petition will be considered by the Council and either rejected or accepted by a three-fourths majority. Once accepted, a petitioner is free to sign the Accords and become a full Member Nation of the Concordance of Avalon.

Amending the Accords

The Accords of Avalon can only be amended in the following manner. A proposal to amend is brought forth in Council and then discussed. A minimum time of three months must pass before a vote is taken. When the vote is finally taken, the amendment passes only by a positive vote of all Member Nations. A single dissent or abstention or absence will nullify any amendment to the Accords.